As I’ve been watching more and more notices of public gatherings and events being cancelled I think it prudent to move all classes to an online format starting today (Monday 3/16/20).

I’m sorry for the last minute notice, but, as I watched more and more public spaces being closed over the last 24 hours and the fast spreading in some of the mountain counties, I decided it is prudent to not risk unintentionally spreading the virus even if we meet the small group criteria.

I hope that in the near future we can look at all of this as an overreaction, but, in the meantime better safe than sorry.

Below are some of the questions I’m imagining you might have:

How Do I Get Online Classes?

I will be live-streaming all of our classes at the regular scheduled time and day in a private Facebook group. Only the dancers who are part of the group will see the content and any comments or other things you share, so, it’s truly private in that regard. Most of you have already joined the group via a Facebook invite from me. If you have not received an invite, #1 be sure we are friends on Facebook and I know your name if you use a name other than the one you have enrolled in classes with. I’m happy to help you get online classes set up. Message me with questions anytime and I will reply as soon as I can.

What If I Miss A Class?

No worries at all! You can go to the group and view the class online in your group any time during the session!

What If I’m Not On FaceBook?

It is free and easy to set up an account on Facebook. Once you set up your account, send a friend request to me (you can find me under my full name: Jennifer Secrist Goran). If you didn’t use your name, be sure I know it’s you. I’ll invite you to join the class groups, from there simply accept and you’ll be in! I don’t have a good option outside of Facebook. I suppose you could hop on using a family member or friends account, again follow the same procedure of friending me and I’ll get you invited to the group. If you have already paid for session but prefer not to join us online, I’ll hold your session payment until we start live classes back up again, no worries.

No Drop In Classes?

With the way I’ve set up our online classes, there is no need to worry about missing a class due to travel, work, childcare or health. These streaming classes will be available for you throughout the full length of session and you can watch them at your leisure. Because you will automatically get access to the full session there will not be drop in options for online classes, but, you can join the session now without fear of missing out on a single class.

When Will Live Classes Resume?

I’ve seen many suggestions that say for the next 2 weeks. I have also heard from some of our larger event organizers that they are being advised to reschedule or postpone any large event happening during the next 8 weeks. Let’s start with 2 weeks for sure and I’ll check in with you on the group pages about when we might resume in person classes.

What If The Teacher Gets Sick?

As during normal live class offerings, should I get sick and be unable to teach a class you will have a credit for the missed class(es) in the following session.

Do let me know if you have a question that is not answered here.

Yours in dance, thru sickness and health,
