Expand your dance repertoire by adding the element of a prop. Dancing with swords, fans, veils & baskets gives your audience a visually stimulating experience and adds variety to your sets.

Swords & Scimitars

A long time classic belly dance prop, swords & scimitars add drama and suspense. The audience often watches raptly as the dancer appears to wield a dangerous weapon. The general public never gets bored of this prop!

Whether you are an ATS®, Tribal Fusion or Classic Raqs Sharqi Belly Dancer you will find swords & scimitars and exciting prop to dance with. Learn to control this prop with mastery with our instructional DVDs. ATS® With An Edge will guide ATS® dancers through single and double techniques. Twin Blades teaches you the dynamics of partnering techniques and safety tips as well as a full choreography. Check out our classic sword and scimitar dance prop selection.

Fans (& Skirts)

For centuries, dancers the world over have mastered the power and allure of performing with fans. Classic fan dances add a coquettish charm to the performance, whether it be belly dance, vaudeville or Burlesque styles.

Fans can also be used to create intensity and mystery in Flamenco and Asian inspired dances. Fan-Tastic guides you through many of these styles of fan dancing along with care, storage and more. Want to add flutter fans to your ATS® dance? We got you covered there with Tamarind’s Spirit of Seville, which uses the improv ATS® format and incorporates both flutter fan and skirt work over a 2 DVD set.


A favorite among belly dancers of all styles. They create lovely entrances, exits, beautiful framing and drapes. They accentuate spins and add intrigue when used as wraps in a performance.

In Veil Obedience School you will not only learn all of these techniques, you will also learn how to use a veil and finger cymbals at the same time.

Collaborative DVD: ATS® with Props: Veil, Fan and Basket, back of DVD

ATS® Veils, Fans & Baskets

Now ATS® dancers can learn the intricacies of adding in all 3 of these props. We've partnered up with Super Beth of Tamarind Tribal Belly Dance™ to bring you the collaborative work of her, Terri Allred of Third Eye Tribal and Dawn Ruckert of Dayanisma's instructional 3 DVD set.

ATS® For Props is sure to be a crowd pleaser and add variety to an ATS® dance company's vocabulary.


So Much More

In addition to Instructional DVDs, Swords, Scimitars, Fans, Veils & Skirts we also offer: Tambourines, Tunisian pots, Thai Dancing Fingers and more!


See All Available Dance Props